jueves, 14 de junio de 2012


In my opinion the subject "Recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura" has been very profitable. We have learnt some interesting and funny ways of teaching literature using different webs and tools which were unknown to me. I hope to put them into practice in the future. Our teacher was very sociable and friendly, her explanations were clear and interesting and her classes were dynamic and practical. I'm glad to be her student! This blog is a sample of the work done in class and it is the result of the explanations of Laura. I have tried to focus it on fictitious students, as if I were their teacher. I hope you like it!

Would you like learning trough a quest? Here is my proposal: a Webquest based on cinema!

Just read the instructions and try to win the Oscar!

Enjoy it!


Some stories have their own essence, but it is something difficult to extract. Try to get a picture which reflects  the meaning idea of the story you have chosen and remember: sometimes words are unnecessary!

This is my picture from the short story by Roal Dahl "Mrs.Bixby and the Colonel's coat".


Glogster is a funny way to revise the stories you have read. This is a kind of pinboard in which you can post the most representative things of the stories.
Go to www.glogster.com and try to create your own. Don't forget to take into account your stories!

Here is my example!


Here is an original way to animate the stories! Go to http://www.goanimate.com and create your own animation! Pick up some lines from the story you've read or create new ones and then add it to the characters in your goanimated video!

Here you can watch my example!

Have fun and learn!

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Post reading activity 1:

Take a look to this link. Are you sure that you have find all the words that you don't understand? Check your list and add the missing words.

Post reading activity 2:

Now create your own animated poster!

1- Go to http://www.wordle.net/
2- Type all the words from your vocabulary list
3- Create it!

Post reading activity 3:

In pairs go to http://vocaroo.com/ and record the paragraph you liked the most. Then listen to it and try to check and correct your pronunciation. Record it again if it is necessary!

(Listen to this http://vocaroo.com/i/s0YJcv0dEkEa to have an example of a recording.)
Action activity 1:

During your first reading of "The happy man" make a list with all the words and expressions that you don't understand.

Action activity 2:

Before your second reading, translate these words and expressions into Spanish and create your own dictionary. Now you will understand the short story better.
Then you will share your list in order to create a big dictionary of "The happy man".